SAS Honors Students are first and foremost Rutgers Students. The SAS Honors Program supplements and enriches our students' many academic and professional pursuits at Rutgers. Whether a student is interested in Astronomy, Molecular Biology, French Literature, Political Science, or any field in the Arts and Sciences, Honors Program requirements combine easily with students' majors and minors.
What do our students like best about being an honors student at Rutgers?
There are as many answers to that question as there are students in our program. For some, it is the chance to discuss books and big ideas as a student member of our Summer Reading selection committee; for others, it is strolling the galleries of the university's art museum with their Faculty Mentor; for others it is taking a field trip to Brazil as part of our Honors Global Experiences.
What many Honors students appreciate most is the warm community of inquisitive students that our School of Arts and Sciences Honors Program at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, provides high-achieving students, including unique opportunities to explore their intellectual and creative potentials.
With its special programs and housing, the SASHP offers students an educational experience that integrates the expertise of many departments and professional schools into an intimate, invigorating community.
Honors Program Goals
- Attract and retain academically talented students
- Promote the education of graduates with disciplinary depth and interdisciplinary competency
- Encourage intellectual exploration through specialized academic and co-curricular experiences
- Provide educational opportunities that expose students to all that our major research university has to offer, including research and coursework at the highest level
- Provide holistic support from the honors academic advisors and engaged faculty mentors
- Create a community including residential experiences, leadership, and extra-curricular activities
What does the SAS Honors Program have to offer?
Graduate programs, professional schools, and employers look for students with strong analytic and creative training, whose records demonstrate high-level academic work, research commitments, and leadership experience. Honors students are engaged with these challenges through an enriched curriculum and extensive opportunities for research and program-building initiatives. Post-graduation placement of Honors students illustrates the exceptional preparation provided by the SAS Honors experience at Rutgers.
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