SASHP Student Advisory Board
The Honors Program Student Advisory Board (HPSAB) is the student voice of the SAS Honors Program. The HPSAB serves the whole Honors Program by providing advice and suggestions for Honors programming and policy. The HPSAB provides critical advice to the Honors Community regarding our key goals -- building community and enriching academic opportunities. The HPSAB meets three to four times per year. Since 2016, the HPSAB has hosted the annual Honors Program Formal Dinner Dance.
Students are nominated to join the HPSAB by the Academic Dean of the Honors Program. Each year roughly ten new students are nominated to join the HPSAB. We nominate first, second, and third year students. We especially seek nominees who represent distinctive subgroups with the SASHP -- commuters, DRC and RBS students, Peer Mentors, Tutor Coordinators, Artist Collective members, and students from a variety of backgrounds and disciplinary perspectives.
Students who are interested in serving on the board should speak with their SASHP advising dean or contact our academic dean at