Kick off the Fall season with the Peer Mentor Program! Play some fun games, enjoy delicious ice cream, connect with your peer mentor/mentee, and meet others in the PMP!
Annual Honors Peer Mentor & Mentee Summer Gathering
Open to PMP only
SASHP Class of '28 is invited to apply to join the Honors Peer Mentor Program!
Be matched to an incoming upper-class SASHP student to help guide you, offer advice, and be your first friend. Plus, access to exclusive PMP events throughout the year.
No minimum requirement or commitment, just a willingness to meet a friend.
Deadline Sunday, June 16
Class of '28 - Apply to join the Honors Peer Mentor Program.
Be matched to an upper-class Honors Peer Mentor who will be a guide, resource, and friend to you during your first year.
Get invited to exclusive Peer Mentor Program events.
Required Peer Mentor training for all '24-'25 Peer Mentors. Attend one.
- Tuesday, April 16 | 2:00-3:00 PM | Busch
- Wednesday, April 17 | 2:00-3:00 PM or 3:00-4:00 PM | Livingston
- Friday, April 26 | 2:00-3:00 or 3:00-4:00 PM | College Avenue Campus
Required Peer Mentor training for all '24-'25 Peer Mentors. Attend one.
- Tuesday, April 16 | 2:00-3:00 PM | Busch
- Wednesday, April 17 | 2:00-3:00 PM or 3:00-4:00 PM | Livingston
- Friday, April 26 | 2:00-3:00 or 3:00-4:00 PM | College Avenue Campus
Required Peer Mentor training for all '24-'25 Peer Mentors. Attend one.
- Tuesday, April 16 | 2:00-3:00 PM | Busch
- Wednesday, April 17 | 2:00-3:00 PM or 3:00-4:00 PM | Livingston
- Friday, April 26 | 2:00-3:00 or 3:00-4:00 PM | College Avenue Campus
Required Peer Mentor training for all '24-'25 Peer Mentors. Attend one.
- Tuesday, April 16 | 2:00-3:00 PM | Busch
- Wednesday, April 17 | 2:00-3:00 PM or 3:00-4:00 PM | Livingston
- Friday, April 26 | 2:00-3:00 or 3:00-4:00 PM | College Avenue Campus
Required Peer Mentor training for all '24-'25 Peer Mentors. Attend one.
- Tuesday, April 16 | 2:00-3:00 PM | Busch
- Wednesday, April 17 | 2:00-3:00 PM or 3:00-4:00 PM | Livingston
- Friday, April 26 | 2:00-3:00 or 3:00-4:00 PM | College Avenue Campus
Celebrate spring with us for our final PMP event of the year! Plant your favorite herb, decorate clay pots and show off your green thumb while enjoying Mamma Mia! the movie outdoors.
Sunday, April 12 | 12:00 PM | Buccleuch Park
Sunday, April 19 (rain date)
Embrace the beauty of Spring! Join the PMP for brunch bagels and a scenic spring stroll around Buccleuch Park. Meeting point: Panera Bread @ CAC. All who attend will receive an SASHP drawstring bag.
Stay in the loop, and join the GroupMe for updates:
Come out and cheer on your fellow Rutgers and SASHP performers!
Also, we are looking for performers for the Coffeehouse event. Have a cool talent you want to share? RSVP by March 7 to be part of the performance line up:
Open to all SASHP
'24-'25 Peer Mentor Application Due Date
Join us for a real life game of clue and help solve the mystery of who done it, with what, and where.
Take advantage of this extra day in the year!
Join the PMP for some self-care pampering and scrapbooking.
Submit photos for print by Wed, Feb 14 @
Join the Peer Mentor Program for a night of DIY arts & crafts like shrinky dinks, bead ironing, and valentine's candy bags before the holiday!
Hot chocolate & munchkins served.
Join the PMP and SASHP communities for a night of dodgeball!
Peer Mentor week is officially taking place January 22nd- January 28th.
This is a designated time for Mentors and Mentees to reconnect with one another.
The SASHP is giving away a limited number of Dunkin' Donuts gift cards for Mentor/Mentee pairs to reconnect at a local DD on us!
To participate, follow these steps:
1) First, Mentors/Mentee(s) to confirm participation with the name of your Mentee(s) and confirm a pick up date from the SASHP Busch Office (Nelson Biological Labs, Rm. A110) during the week of January 15th. 3) Then, meet with your Mentor/Mentee at DD during Peer Mentor Week and take a selfie together. 4) Last, DM your selfie to @hpmentor on Instagram 24 hours after your meet up.
2) Next, Peer Mentors should e-mailOpen to Peer Mentors and Mentees in the PMP only.
Happy mentoring!
Destress before finals with the PMP! Unwind with holiday-themed arts & crafts, hot chocolate, and tasty treats!
Monday, December 11th | 7:00pm-8:00pm | CASC MPR A
*Open to all SASHP*
Join us for a night of pure elementary school nostalgia, featuring the ultimate soundtrack of 2010s hits, CD decorating, games, tasty childhood snacks, and a trip down memory lane with 2010s tv shows.
Friday, December, 1st | 2:00 PM | CASC 411ABC
Open to all SASHP
Join us for PMP Multiverse Trivia Night! Test your knowledge of Disney, Anime, DC, Marvel and Nintendo with Kahoot trivia, and make some new friends. Winners will receive Rutgers SASHP Drawstring Swag Bags!
Event is open to all SASHP, but only PMP members can RSVP for guaranteed bubble tea. RSVP by Wednesday, Nov 8th:
Wednesday, Nov 15 | 7:30-8:30 PM | The Cove (BSC)
Embrace the beauty of Fall! Join us for a scenic hike on the Livingston Ecological Preserve (weather permitting).
Sunday, November 5th | 11:00 AM | Livingston Ecological Preserve
Meeting Spot: 100 Rockafeller Road - North Tower main entrance to RBS.
Stay in the loop and join our GroupMe for more updates:
Opportunity to showcase your fall photo in the SASHP main office parlor!
All who attend will receive a SASHP Bucket Hat.
This event is open to all SASHP.
Spice up your spooky season with the PMP and join us for a screening of Hocus Pocus, tasty treats, and pumpkin painting (while supplies last).
Monday, October 30th | 6:00 PM | Honors Seminar Room - Lucy Stone Hall Room A215 (Livi)
Use this link here to access the walking instructions to LSH A215 if needed:
Show off your Fall 2023 Halloween Costume in our Peer Mentor contest, open to all SASHP students.
Between Wednesday, October 25 - Wednesday, November 1, DM your photo to @hpmentor on Instagram.
Between Thursday, November 2 - Monday, November 6, the SASHP community will vote for their favorite photo.
Scoring Rules
- 1 like on Instagram = 1 point
- 1 bonus point if student is currently a *Peer Mentor* or Peer Mentee
- 5 bonus points if Peer Mentor & Mentee take a costume photo together
- 5 bonus points if Peer Mentor & Mentee coordinate costumes
This event is open to all SASHP.
Check out this in-person panel of Peer Mentors/Honors students from various academic and career industries to learn about their internship/research experiences. Plus, receive peer resume reviews, professional headshots, and tips on interviewing, resume building, networking, and LinkedIn.
All who attend will be given priority access to the Honors Alumni-Student Networking Directory.
Friday, October 20th | 2:00PM-3:30PM | LSC Collaborative Learning Center (Livi)
Open to all SASHP.
Be prepared for spring '24 pre-registration. Stop in to chat with students from various academic areas at our annual Honors major/minor/resource fair. Various campus offices will also be represented.
Friday, October 13th | 1:30PM - 3:00PM | BSC International Lounge
Open to all SASHP.
Offices Represented:
Aresty Research Center
Career Exploration and Success (CES)
Fraternity & Sorority Affairs
Graduate School of Education (GSE)
Health Professions Office (HPO)
Pre-Law Advising
Recreation Centers
Rutgers Business School Office of Career Management (OCM)
Rutgers Global—Study Abroad
Rutgers University Libraries
School of Arts & Sciences Honors Program (SASHP)
SASHP Peer Tutoring
Student Involvement and Leadership
Bring your own item to craft colorful tie-dye art with the PMP. Bandanas available while supplies last. All tie-dying material will be provided.
(Rain Date) - Friday, October 6th | 5:00PM | Echo Point Courtyard (Busch Campus)
This event is open to Peer Mentor Program only.
Team up with your peer mentor/mentee(s) and take selfies to complete this Rutgers fall scavenger hunt check list for a chance to win an SASHP Gym Bag! The more selfies submitted, the more entries into the drawing!
Hunt Begins on Monday, 9/25 | Hunt Ends on Sunday, 10/8
More details of the rules and scavenger hunt sites can be found on the Google submission form, PMP Canvas module, and on @hpmentor Instagram beginning on Monday, Sept 25 when the hunt officially opens.
Students can enter selfie submissions here:
*Open to Peer Mentors and Mentees Only*